Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another post about cats

Sifto is a great animal. I must say.

I love that cat.


Why is it that cats are attracted to a place they're forbidden?


Today Ava wanted a bath.

I gave her one. (of course! :D)

Suddenly I hear a scratch, then a shuffle, then another scratch.

I sag, knowing were that cat is.

I go to the left hand sink and open up the door.

There's his paw, and there's his face.

"Siiiiiiffffttooooo!" I call sweetly. I didn't want him crawling up anywhere.
'Okay, his head is there, I can get him through.' I thought.

I grabbed him. And he pulled away. For a minute I just held his scruff, and he just stood still, gently pulling against me.

Finally I let go. I didn't want to hurt him.

I ran out to the kitchen and grabbed a pan full of hamburger grease.

"Siiiiiffffftttoooooo!!" I once again called.

Sifto started licking, I drew the pan out slowly.

He followed.

Nearly out!!

Nope, Sifto changed his mind.


Sifto began licking the pan once again.

His head came out of the hole.

I quickly grabbed him and before he knew it..


Sifto was out of the sink cupboard.

I let him lick the pan while saying he was a good kitty. (Although I was thinking otherwise.)

So, how Sifto got there is he squeezed himself through the place by the dishwasher, and then couldn't get out.

I took this awhile ago.
He looked dead. But no, he's quite a happy cat, making me stressed out about him going into the roof, or in the bathroom sink.

I like that cat.


  1. He's a very good cat. Except he sometimes sits on my monitor and puts his tail in the exact place where it will block my view of the screen.

    Tonight he is not doing it, because he wants to prove me wrong. But he USUALLY does it.

  2. He's a funny cat. :D

    I always say, if they can get in, they can get out. ;)

  3. What a dork. Trying to squeeze into places that are not at all nice, for some obscure cat reason. Why doesn't he just curl up in front of the woodstove 24/7? That's what I would do if I were a cat.

    I would be a lazy, lazy cat.

  4. Such patience, very good! I would've had him by the ears and pulled him out. *squirm* Just sayin'.

  5. He did that to me once. I was on the toilet and I hear a scratch, and a bump, and the door of the cabinet opens and out pops a cat. Who then flops down on the mat, stretches and goes to sleep.

    Totally oblivious to the fact he just totally freaked me out.

    I like him too.
