Monday, February 21, 2011

Family day!

Iiiiiit's family day!

And there's no better way to celebrate this day than to write a blog on the computer away from all relatives! Yay!

All I have to say is I like my family. Although I doubt I have a choice whether or not I like them because they've always been here.

If I suddenly said "I hate big families", well, I'd be an idiot.

I had a better point, but it escapes me now. *sigh*

Now, I wasn't planning on making a very long blog in the first place, but.. this is pathetic.

I'd post pictures but I don't know how.

I don't even know how to hook up the bloomin' VCR! I try, fail, try, get mad, try, give up and go get Critter.

...who laughs and says it's the easiest thing in the world.

But he hasn't taught me how to do it yet.

I think he likes that fact I go to him and beg.

I'll bet he imagines himself with a crown and a halo and me in a shabby dress kissing his feet.


So, happy family day, peoples!



  1. I can't hook up a VCR either. Don't feel bad.

    Although it IS funny you have to beg your baby brother to do it.....

  2. ^ XD

    You think Critter imagines a shabby dress?


