Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bubble bath babes.

Heather was gone to take Nathan to hockey. The big people were watching a movie, and Elena was playing with Quinlan and Critter, so I was left with the two girls.

Ava wanted a bubble bath, and, figuring it would keep her mind off of her mother, I gave her one.

( She's quite happy to have a beard :P )

She had four toys. That ninja turtle, the Barbie, and two boats.

She dunked the Barbie and ninja turtle under the bubbles, swooshed them around a bit, and then brought them back up.

She squealed because they had soap on them. So I showed her the -much ignored- boats. I showed her that you can fill 'em up with water, and then dump it onto the Barbie and Ninja.


It washes off! I invented a new game! I'm a genius!

I wanted her to get her hair wet, so I tried to trick her into doing it.
"Ava, are you dumping water on their heads?" I asked.

"Yess." She said, not even looking up from her task.

"What about you? Can you dump water on your head?"

"No." She said, quite firmly, too.

"Why not?" I asked, wanting to know what she'd say.


And that was it. She dropped the subject. I got her hair wet by brushing it, though.

Of course Emma had to be there. Before I started the bath she was trying to convince me she needed to have a bath, too.
But she wasn't done her food.
She posed for this. Before she was in her blue sweater. She said, "Wait!" and quickly threw it off. "Get me now!" she said.
She didn't smile, though.
I have a picture of us three wearing 'beards'. But, Daniel doesn't want me to upload anymore pictures. >:l

Even though Emma and I weren't in the bath, we had fun!


  1. That's so fun! Trying to *trick* a little one into getting their head wet is *tricky* ;)

  2. You got pictures!!
    That second one of Ava is really good.

    Thank-you for keeping her happy.

  3. I know! I love the second picture too! Jay thought it was ugly, but her eyes look so green.
