Friday, June 4, 2010

Ookay, so I admit...

I'm an awful blogger. :P

I have nothing to write, really. I'm boring. Very boring.

And yet you're still reading. Hum.

I had some fun with Micheal-man today. The day before yesterday was his birthday, he turned 6. *face screws up trying to make brain compute*

I was teasing him today, saying he turned 5.

"Well!" I said happily to him in the kitchen, "Aren't you glad you turned five?"

"No, I turned 6." He calmly said.

"You...turned...5." I said, acting confused.


"OH! -five?"

"No, six."

"You mean you'll be six next year." I said, nodding my head.

"Si-ix." Micheal said in a sing song voice.



"OH! I get it! You'!"

"*Sigh* Six."

I turned to Adeena. "Micheal's seven, right?" I asked.

"No, he's five." Adeena said, giving a look that said 'doesn't everybody know that?'

"See? Told ya'. Five." I said triumphantly.


"You're mom said you're five."

"I turned SIX."

"Oh oh oh oh!!



  1. He's so fun to tease. You're as good at blogging as I am don't cha know.

  2. When you DO blog, you're funny. That's why we keep reading.

    And Adeena is so cool, going along with jokes. She's a Mean Mom.

  3. Yes, she takes her mean pills every morning. Like me. :D

  4. My mean pills taste fizzy like root beer. :D

    I only hope I can be as Mean a Mom as Adeena is someday, when my baby is old enough to really tease! Mwahahaha!

    And yes, Heather's right, when you do blog it's funny so that's why we keep coming back.
